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InsideAsia Tours - Sales Support Administrator Application Form

Please fill in the application form below in English. Please be sure to complete ALL the sections.

Advice for completing the application

1/ Make sure that all information provided is accurate
2/ Take time to answer the questions thoughtfully.
3/ We recommend you first write your answers in MS Word and paste them into the application form.

You must also email us a copy of your C.V. to jobs@insidejapantours.com.

I wish to apply for:

Please note that we are unable to provide visa sponsorship for positions in the UK, Australia and the USA. You MUST have the right to work in the UK, Australia or US to apply for positions in those offices.

SECTION 1: Personal Details


Telephone number:

E-mail addresss:

What is your current employment?:

What date would you be available to start work?



Please complete the declaration / statement relevant to the position being applied for:

UK Position Declaration: I am a UK citizen OR have the right to work in the UK. Please tick to confirm this.

US Position Declaration: I am a US citizen OR have the right to work in the US. Please tick to confirm this.

AUS Position Declaration: I am a AUS citizen OR have the right to work in AUS. Please tick to confirm this.

Criminal Convictions

Do you have any unspent criminal convictions?

If, yes please provide details of date, offence and sentence

Declaration: You must disclose all unspent convictions of any offence. You do not have to tell us about any convictions that are spent (as defined by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974).

SECTION 2 - Education Record

Please select your level of education from the drop down list

Please tell us about your qualifications:

Please tell us about your Japanese language ability:

Please tell us about any other professional skills you can bring to this position:

SECTION 3 - Job Application

The following section is so you can tell us why you feel this position is particularly suitable for you. Please think carefully about your answers and provide us with as much information as you think is relevant.

A) Your Motivation

Why are you applying for this position? Please give a quick overview of your career history, picking out the most relevant aspects considering the role in question.

Please tell us what attracted you to the travel industry

What motivates you at work?

What opportunities do you hope this job will offer?

B) About the job

What do you think the role of a Sales Support administrator is?

How would you describe a great team Sales Support Administrator?

What do you think are the possible issues in supporting a Sales Team?

C) Your Japan Experience

Which of the following destinations have you visited in Japan? Please select all that apply). Please be aware that we will not be judging candidates purely on the places they have and have not been to, but it is important for us to have an idea of how widely you have travelled in Japan.



Hokkaido (Please state)
Shikoku (Please state)

Kyushu (Please state)
Tohoku (Please state)

Okinawa (Please state)
Honshu (in addition to the above)

Please could you also answer the following questions, related to your time in Japan.

Have you ever stayed in a ryokan?

Have you ever stayed in a minshuku?

Have you ever stayed in a cheap/mid range business hotel?

Have you ever stayed in a 5-star hotel?

Have you ever been to one of the 6 big sumo tournaments?

Have you ever been to a performance of kabuki, noh or similar?

Have you ever been skiiing or snowboarding in Japan?

Have you ever seen/taken part in a tea ceremony?

Have you ever taken part in any other traditional cultural activity -
ikebana, taiko drumming, calligraphy etc? (please state which)

Finally, why do you think people would book a tailored package with us when they could just make their own arrangements over the internet?

D) About you

Please describe your previous experience in administrative assistance or Front Office (Reception).

Please describe your previous experience working in a team.

How confident are you in using MS Office applications (Word and Excel); please tell us any examples of your use of these?

How do you usually prioritise your tasks?

Please tell us about any general life experience you have which you feel is relevant to this position. For example, any travelling overseas you may have done, or any other job positions you may have held.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself that you feel may be relevant to this application?

Tell us about your interests; we work closely as a team and are most interested in what you would be like as a colleague!

E) About Us

Have you seen our websites and brochures? What is your impression about InsideAsia Tours?

Do you have any questions you would like to ask us about this position or InsideAsia Tours?

Please tell us where you heard about this position with InsideAsia Tours

That's all! Many thanks for taking the time to fill out this application. We very much appreciate your hard work. All you need to do now is click SEND. We will be in touch after the closing date to let you know whether we would like to invite you to interview for the position you have applied for.

Have you sent your C.V. yet? Make sure you email a copy to jobs@insidejapantours.com.